When deciding on a web host, there are a couple of options to choose from in terms of which operating platforms are available and what type of scripting language is used. Operating platforms come in two versions: Windows, and Linux. The Windows platform is designed to work on a Windows machine. Linux is designed specifically for web server applications. Scripting languages come in either PHP (hypertext preprocessor), Perl or ASP (active server pages). The type of operating platform you have will determine which scripting language is used. The Windows platform uses ASP, whereas Linux uses the Perl and PHP scripting languages. Several hosting companies provide both Windows and Linux platforms to their subscribers
Free web hosting is another option available on which to host your site. This is fine for personal use but not advisable if you want to set up a business. Limited bandwidth allotments, generic domain names and limited site access make it difficult when trying to customize a business presence on the web.
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